It occurred to me recently how easy it’s become for many of us to just say “No.” Of course,...
Just Saying “Sorry” Doesn’t Cut It
Karen Colligan, Communication, Kindness, Relationships, communication, people, 0Remember when you were a kid and you had a fight with one of your siblings, and then Mom...
Stressed? Time to Evaluate Priorities!
Karen Colligan, Behavioral assessments, Health, People, Stress, communication, health, personality types, 0Seventy-five percent to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints, according to the National...
Want to Get More Done? Lighten Up and Laugh a Little!
Karen Colligan, company culture, Health, Teams, health, people, 0Or better yet, A LOT! Let’s face it. Work environments are pretty stressful these days. The constant push to...
What I’ve Learned by Listening to My Clients
Karen Colligan, Communication, Relationships, success, communication, leadership, people, 3This year I will celebrate PeopleThink’s 16th year in business. I like to think we’ve beat the odds, considering...
Are You Really Listening?
Karen Colligan, Communication, Learning, Life, communication, leadership, 0According to an Impraise survey, managers are 55% LESS interested than their employees are in improving their own listening...
Best wishes for a warm and wonderful Holiday Season! May all your hopes and dreams come true in the...
Last month I attended the Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana. The World Burn Congress is an...
What To Do When You Are Overextended
Karen Colligan, Behavioral assessments, Organizational health, Personalities, Work-life balance, life, people, stress, 0Work-related stressors and the maladies they cause, like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and decreased mental health, are more deadly than...
Ditch the Labels and Discover the Real YOU
Karen Colligan, Behavioral assessments, Learning, People, Personalities, people, personality types, 0Probably most of us have wondered, at some point in our lives, “who am I?” Or, as Stephen Colbert...
Each Work Style Brings Value to the Team
Karen Colligan, Communication, Diversity, Teams, Uncategorized, leadership, personality types, team diversity, 0We all tend to gravitate toward people who are like us. This is true in our friendships, our relationships...