If you followed the advice in my last blog, “Look Back Before Planning Forward,” you now have a plan...
A New Year: Look Back Before Planning Forward
Karen Colligan, Goal setting, Life, People, wellness, Work-life balance, planning, wellness, 0Admit it. How many of you, as you rang in the new year, secretly (or maybe even publicly) said,...
Charlie Chaplin once said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” I couldn’t agree more. In this often...
Voices of Experience: Lessons from the PeopleThink Leadership Journey Survey
Karen Colligan, Leadership, leadership development, learning and development, Professional and team leadership, leadership, people, 0The greatest untapped resource for leadership development is experienced leaders who have done the work to improve their effectiveness...
Let’s Get Real About Leadership
Karen Colligan, Leadership, leadership development, self-awareness, Get Real, leadership, people, 0On any given day, in just about any given business publication, you will find one or more laundry lists...
Team Derailed? Here’s How to Get Them Back on Track
Karen Colligan, Leadership, learning and development, Relationships, Teams, leadership, people, team, 0Whether you are leading a small work team or a large organization, there are bound to be some team-related...
Ignite Team Performance with Rules of Engagement
Karen Colligan, Accountability, Communication, Professional and team leadership, Teams, professional and team leadership, team, 0What is it that differentiates a high performing team from a team that never gets beyond the “storming” stage...
Just Saying “Sorry” Doesn’t Cut It
Karen Colligan, conflict resolution, Kindness, Learning, Life, Relationships, Emotional Intelligence, people, 0In the wake of the #MeToo movement, we’ve heard multiple “I’m sorry” statements from public figures who have been...
In the current divisive and rather mean environment, I imagine many of you wake up wondering, “What is this...
Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill
Karen Colligan, Hiring, Interviewing, Leadership, Soft skills, leadership, skill set, 0There’s an old saying among recruiters and other hiring professionals – “Hire for attitude, train for skill.” Yet how...
Soft Skills Win the Race for Job Success!
Karen Colligan, Career planning, leadership development, learning and development, Assessments, personal development plan, 0Think about this: 85% of job success is due to having well-developed soft skills, and only 15% is due...
Effective Leaders Develop Their People
Karen Colligan, Development, Engagement, Leadership, Professional development, Teams, learning and development, people, 0“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all...