Most workplaces today are a mix of three distinct generations – Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Generation X (born 1965-1979)...
Archive for category: Diversity
Managing Generation Xers in the Multi-Generation Workplace
Karen Colligan, Communication, Diversity, Leadership, Multi-generational workforce, People, Teams, communication, people, professional and team leadership, team diversity, 0If you read my last blog (which of course you did!) you now have a better idea of how...
Individual Styles and High Performing Teams
Karen Colligan, Diversity, People, Performance, Professional and team leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, diversity, people, personality types, professional and team leadership, team, team diversity, 0We all tend to gravitate toward people who are like us. This is true in our friendships, our relationships...
Virtual Team Communication – Pick Up the Phone!
Karen Colligan, Communication, Diversity, People, Professional and team leadership, Teams, Uncategorized, communication, diversity, team, team diversity, virtual teams, 0Most of us have worked on a virtual team at some point in our careers. And we know that...
4 Tips for Communicating Effectively to Improve Your Results
Karen Colligan, Communication, Diversity, Learning, People, Uncategorized, communication, personality types, 0According to Harvard Business Review, 87% of business issues are due to the lack of interpersonal communication skills, and...
Adapting Your Leadership Style for Improved Results
Karen Colligan, Communication, Diversity, Leadership, Management, People, Professional and team leadership, Uncategorized, leadership, people, personality types, professional and team leadership, team diversity, 0As leaders, each of us has a certain leadership style. Much of it stems from who we are at...
5 Tips for Building a High-Performing Team
Karen Colligan, Diversity, Leadership, People, Performance, Professional and team leadership, Teams, new jersey, 0Building and leading effective teams is a key leadership competency. But how do you create that special magic that...
Valuing Diversity to Improve Team Performance
Karen Colligan, Diversity, Leadership, Performance, Professional and team leadership, Teams, diversity, leadership, personality types, professional and team leadership, team, team diversity, 0Someone once said, “If both of us think exactly alike, one of us is unnecessary.” We all know that...