2023 is soon upon us. Have you started to think about what you want for 2023? There is no time like now.
You are doing yourself a major disservice if you don’t pause to reflect on – from a personal and professional standpoint – some highlights of your year.
So, grab a tablet, a pen (or your laptop), and a beverage of your choice. Find a quiet place and allow yourself 30 minutes or so to list out the following for 2022:
What I accomplished
What I learned
A challenge I overcame and how
A new skill(s) I developed
Once you’ve made your list, give yourself some time to reflect on (and feel good about) all that you’ve achieved. Focus on the positive! Then, as you plan for 2023 (and you are developing a plan, right?) let your list help guide your intentions for the new year.
I think we’ve all figured out that New Year’s “resolutions” don’t work. They are typically too broad (lose weight, get out of debt, win the lottery) and not tied to specific actions or deadlines. Research shows that 80% of them are abandoned by February. So why bother, right? Wrong!
I suggest a different approach. First, keep it simple yet specific. Second, keep it balanced. Too often we focus so much energy on changing one aspect of our life that we totally neglect the other aspects. For example, there’s that promotion you want, so you put 110% of your energy into doing the work, gaining the visibility, and finding the opportunity that will get you there. Pretty soon you’re skipping the gym, eating junk food at the office for dinner, and saying “no” to time with family and friends. “Vacation? Not happening!” And do you get the promotion? Maybe. But at what cost?
Here’s my guide for creating a simple plan that will help keep your life balanced and moving forward. It’s called the Circle of Life. As you consider your intentions for 2023, think about the eight aspects of your life illustrated below. Where do you spend the most effort? As you look back on 2022, what aspect did you neglect or ignore? How will you change that this year?

Now make one or two intentions for each aspect. Make them simple, make them specific, and write them down! Include due dates wherever possible.
Once you’ve created your plan, keep it visible. Put it someplace where you can see it every day. Schedule time on your calendar once a month to assess how you’re doing. Pay attention to what’s getting out of balance, e.g., when work is eating into your intentions in personal growth or friends/family. Make some adjustments to get back on track.
Taking a look back before moving forward and being more intentional about creating balance in our lives are components of my GET REAL philosophy. So often we burden ourselves with what others tell us we SHOULD do – “find passion in your work,” “lean in,” “keep climbing that corporate ladder,” – that we lose sight of what we WANT to do. We are so focused on the destination that we miss the view along the way.
Here’s to an amazing and balanced 2023! I’m declaring it a year to GET REAL AND KEEP IT REAL! Learn more about our upcoming Keep it Real™ Leadership Program today.
“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your vision. So, write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” – Neil Gaiman
Till next time,