
In January I declared 2015 “The Year of Being Present” and invited you, gentle readers, to join me. Well, we’re almost halfway through the year and I thought it high time to check in and see how you are doing. Have you been capturing moments, taking care of yourself, and proactively disconnecting? Or has my challenge been filed in your “someday” folder at the bottom of your growing “to do” pile?

If you HAVE joined in my challenge, I’d love to hear what you’ve been doing to be more in the moment and appreciate today, versus fretting over yesterday or focusing on tomorrow. Please comment.

If you have yet to join my challenge, I invite you to do so today. What are you waiting for? Don’t lose those magical moments. Here are 6 ways to make the rest of your year “The Year of Being Present.”

      1. Pay more attention to the little things. A sunrise, a smile from a stranger, your child’s latest discovery, a “thank you” from someone you helped or coached.
      2. Listen. Really listen. Too often we are forming our response or thinking of other things when someone is speaking to us. Be in the moment and focus entirely on them. You will be amazed at what you’ll learn, and how good you’ll make them feel.
      3. Figure out what ignites your soul and do it. Often. Schedule it. Capture it. Repeat it.
      4. Say “thank you.” Always. We seem to run through our days so quickly that we forget to stop and say “thank you” to those who have helped in some way, or given advice, or shown a kindness. Be specific, and if possible, do it in person.
      5. Have at least one belly laugh, every day. Laughter is an incredible stress-reliever and healer. And so powerful when shared. DO NOT miss the moments of laughter.
      6. And, perhaps most importantly, surround yourself with good friends – as I do with my Jersey Girls…

“Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going.” – Tennessee Williams

Till next time,


  1. Cecilia Lynch 10 years ago

    Karen, I love this. I much needed reminder as I prepare for summer!

    So, I will use one of your Being Present reminders…Thank You!

  2. Joan 10 years ago

    Thank you for the “gentle” reminder ! Started with you, for 1 day……. now today will be day 2 ! ! ! !

    You’re the BEST ! ! !

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